Belgium Cocoa Processors Visit NaCORI

Belgium Cocoa Processors Visit NaCORI

MARKUP project sponsored a group of cocoa processors from Belgium for a learning tour to NARO-Coffee Research Institute together with Ugandan processors like Equator chocolate, Nile chocolate, and Moon-bean chocolate. The event had research activities on the training of sensory evaluation on coffee and cocoa which consist of learning coffee cupping, chocolate tasting from other processors above, and cocoa wine tasting. The experts aimed to profile Uganda’s coffees and cocoa from the different agroecological zones.  The chocolatiers from both countries presented their products which were evaluated by a group of panelists to judge the flavor-aroma complexes for both coffee and chocolate and flavor expressions for the cocoa wine.

MARKUP is a European Union-funded project implemented by UCDA and NaCORI which targets to upgrade the market access for coffee and cocoa exports to the European Union markets.

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