
PGRC | Publications

  1. Davis, Aaron P., Catherine Kiwuka, Aisyah Faruk, John Mulumba, and James Kalema. "A review of the indigenous coffee resources of Uganda and their potential for coffee sector sustainability and development." Frontiers in Plant Science13 (2023): 5251
  2. Davis, Aaron P., Catherine Kiwuka, Aisyah Faruk, Mweru J. Walubiri, and James Kalema. "The re-emergence of Liberica coffee as a major crop plant." Nature Plants (2022):1-7
  3. Tournebize, R., Borner, L., Manel, S., Meynard, C.N., Vigouroux, Y., Crouzillat, D., Fournier, C., Kassam, M., Descombes, P., Tranchant‐Dubreuil, C. and Parrinello, H. et al., 2022. Ecological and genomic vulnerability to climate change across native populations of Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora). Global Change Biology28 (13), pp.4124-4142.
  4. Geresemu Omuut., Happyness G. Mollel., Dalton Kanyesigye., Felicien Akohoue., Stella Adumo Aropet., Henry Wagaba., Michael H. Otim. (2023). Genetic analyses and detection of point mutations in the acetylcholinesterase-1 gene associated with organophosphate insecticide resistance in the fall armyworm (Spodotera frugiperda) populations in Uganda. BMC Genomics 24:22. 
  5. Vernooy, R., Adokorach, J., Kimani, D., Marwa, A., Mayoyo, A., Nyadanu, D. 2023. Policies, laws and regulations in support of farmer-managed seed systems: still a long way to go. A review of 14 countries in Africa. ISSD Africa, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Rome, Italy.
  6. Kiwuka C, Vos J, Douma JC, Musoli P, Mulumba JW, Poncet V, Anten NPR Intraspecific variation in growth response to drought stress across geographic locations and genetic groups in Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner. Revision invited for Annals of Botany
  7. Kiwuka C, Goudsmit, E., Tournebize, R., De Aquino, S.O., Douma, J.C., Bellanger, L.,Crouzillat, D., Stoffelen, P., Sumirat, U., Legnaté, H. and Marraccini, P., 2021. Genetic diversity of native and cultivated Ugandan Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner): Climate influences, breeding potential and diversity conservation. PloS one, 16(2), p.e0245965.
  8. Kiwuka C., (2020). Genetic diversity and phenotypic variation of wild, feral and cultivated Coffea canephora in relation to drought stress. PhD. Thesis. Wageningen University, ISBN: 978-94-6395-537-9, DOI: 10.18174/530909.
  9. Merot-l'Anthoene V, Tournebize R, Darracq O, Rattina V, Lepelley M, Bellanger L, Tranchant-Dubreuil C, Coulee M, Pegard M, Metairon S, Fournier C, Stoffelen P, Janssens SB, Kiwuka C, Musoli P, Sumirat U, Legnate H, Kambale JL, Ferreira da Costa Neto J, Revel C, de Kochko A, Descombes P, Crouzillat D, Poncet V. 2019. Development and evaluation of a genome-wide Coffee 8.5K SNP array and its application for high-density genetic mapping and for investigating the origin of Coffea arabica Plant Biotechnology Journal, 17: 1418-1430.
  10. Astrid M., Okot F., Kansiime K. M., Kiwuka C., Odong K. and Subedi A. (2015) Research report on climate resilient local seed businesses
  11. Kiwuka , Mulumba J.W., Adokorach J. and Nankya R., (2011). Relating crop damage levels on farm to crop varietal diversity measured by richness evenness and diversity for Banana in Uganda, Proceedings of International Symposium on Damage, diversity and genetic vulnerability: the Role of Crop Genetic Diversity In Agricultural Production Systems 15th- 18th February 2011, Rabat, Morocco.
  12. Kiwuka C., (2010). A comparative study on cultivar diversity and management of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean) in selected communities of Mityana district Central, Uganda. M.Sc. Thesis. Makerere University.
  13. Mulumba W, Zaake E., Male-Kayiwa and Kiwuka C., 2009. Neglected Food Crops in Africa: A case study from Uganda. Proceedings of the 8thAnnual Conference and General Meeting of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS), Kampala, Uganda    pp. 16 – 28
  14. Mufumbo, R., Baguma, Y., Kashub, S., Nuwamanya, E., Rubaihayo, P., Settumba, S, B., Hamaker, B. and Kyamanywa, S. 2011. Amylopectin molecular structure and functional properties of starch from three Ugandan cassava varieties. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop 3(9):195-202.
  15. Mufumbo, R., Baguma, Y., Kashub, S., Nuwamanya, E., Rubaihayo, P., Mukasa, , Hamaker, B. and Kyamanywa, S. 2011. Functional properties of starches on the East African market. African Journal of Food Science5 (10):594-602.
  16. Marie Noelle Ndjiondjop, Peterson Wambugu, Tia Dro, Raphael Mufumbo, Jean Sangare and Karlin Gnikoua. 2018. Oryza longistaminata A. Chev. Rohr: Compedium of Plant Genomes: The Wild Oryza Genomes. Pages 165-176. ISSN 2199 – 4781, ISBN 978-3-319-71996-2 Springer
  17. Rose Nankya, John W. Mulumba, Francesco Caracciolo, Maria Raimondo, Francesca Schiavello, Elisabetta Gotor, Enoch Kikulwe and Devra I. Jarvis, 2017. Yield Perceptions, Determinants and Adoption Impact of on Farm Varietal Mixtures for Common Bean and Banana in Uganda. Sustainability 2017, 9, 1321
  18. Atieno O.G., Kiwuka C. and Mulumba J.W. 2017. Realizing Farmers’ Rights through Community Seed Banks in Uganda: Experiences and policy issues. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol 6, No.2; 2017
  19. Olango N., G. Tusiime, J.W. Mulumba, R. Nankya, C. Fadda, D.I. Jarvis & P. Paparu (2016): Response of Ugandan common bean varieties to Pseudocercospora griseola and Angular leaf spot disease development in varietal mixtures, International Journal of Pest Management, DOI: 10.1080/09670874.2016.1234656
  20. Atieno Otieno, John Wasswa Mulumba, Aseffa Seyoum Wedajoo, Myung Jae Lee, Catherine Kiwuka, Richard Ogwal Omara, Joyce Adokorach, Eva Zaake and Michael Halewood (2016) Networks and coalitions in the implementation of the international treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in Uganda. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research. 8(6) pp. 65-79, October, 2016 DOI: 10.5897/JPAPR2016.0358
  21. Kalema, J., Kiwuka, C., Namaganda. M., & Mulumba, J., 2016. Distribution, habitant and conservation of range restricted species of Eleusine and Pennisetum (Poaceae) in Uganda – Symbolae Botanicacae Upsalienses 38: 93-100. Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-554-9608-1.
  22. Ssekandi, J. W. Mulumba, P. Colangelo, R. Nankya, C. Fadda, J. Karungi, M. Otim, De Santis & D. I. Jarvis, 2015. The use of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) traditional varieties and their mixtures with commercial varieties to manage bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) infestations in Uganda. Journal of Pest Science, 89, 1.
  23. Mulumba, J.W., Nankya, R., Kiwuka, C., Adokorach, J., Otieno, G., Kyomugisha, M., Fadda, C., Jarvis, I.D., 2015.Uganda, the Kiziba community genebank; in Vernooy R., Shrestha, P. and Sthapit, B. (eds) 2015; Community Seed Banks origins, evolution and prospects. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan from Routledge.
  24. Michael Halewood, …..J.W. Mulumba et al. 2013. Implementing ‘mutually supportive’ access and benefit sharing mechanisms under the Plant Treaty, Convention on Biological Diversity, and Nagoya Protocol. Law, Environment and Development Journal.
  25. Lwandasa, G.H. Kagezi, A.M. Akol, J.W. Mulumba, R. Nankya, C. Fadda, and D.L. Jarvis. Assesment of Farmers’ knowledge and preference for planting materials to fill gaps in banana plantaions in South Western Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2014, 15 (2) 165-178.
  26. Kiwuka C., Bukenya-Ziraba R. Namaganda M. and Mulumba J.W. 2012. Assessment of Common Bean Cultivar Diversity in Selected Communities of Central Uganda. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 149 – 158.
  27. Mulumba J. W. et al. 2012. A risk-minimizing argument for traditional crop diversity use to reduce pest and disease damage in agricultural ecosystems of Uganda. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 157, 70 – 86    
  28. Mulumba J. W. et al. Genetic diversity and structure of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. in Uganda Int. J. Bot., 8(3):107-116
  29. Mulumba, J.W., Nankya, R., Adokorach, J., 2012. The diversity in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) from Kabale, Bushenyi and Nakaseke districts of Uganda. Plant Genetic Resources Centre. Entebbe, Uganda. pp 7-33.
  30. Nankya, R., Adokorach ,J. Mulumba JW. 2012. Quantifying genetic diversity management choices made by farmers to manage common bean pests and diseases in Uganda. pp: 254-262 In: Jarvis,DI, C Fadda, P De Santis and J Thompson, editors. 2012. Damage, diversity and genetic vulnerability: The role of crop genetic diversity in the agricultural production system to reduce pestand disease damage, Proceedings of an International Symposium 15-17 February, 2011, Rabat,Morocco. Bioversity International, Rome Italy.
  31. Nankya, R., Adokorach, J. Mulumba JW. 2012. Seed systems, genetic vulnerability and disease movement in Uganda. pp: 287-297. In: Jarvis, DI, C Fadda, P De Santis and J Thompson, editors.2012. Damage, diversity and genetic vulnerability: The role of crop genetic diversity in the agricultural production system to reduce pest and disease damage, Proceedings of an International Symposium 15-17 February, 2011, Rabat, Morocco. Bioversity International, Rome Italy.
  32. Mulumba J.W. et al. 2011. Distribution of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. (Fabaceae) in Uganda and its relationship to climatic factors. J.Ecol. 49, 261–266
  33. Mulumba J. W. and Kakudidi E. 2011. Infraspecific delimitation of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. (Fabaceae) in Uganda. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2, 345-353
  34. Ssekiwoko et al. 2009. Xanthomonas hortorum pathogenic on Artemisia annua newly reported in Uganda. Plant Pathology Volume 58 Issue 4, Pages 795 – 795
  35. Mulumba JW et al. Numerical taxonomic study of Acacia senegal (Fabaceae) in the cattle corridor of Uganda. Afri. J. Bot. 76: 272–278.
  36. Olango, G. Tumusiime, J.W. Mulumba, R. Nankya, C. Fadda, D.I. Jarvis and P.Paparu, 2017.
  37. Response of Ugandan common bean varieties to Pseudocercospora griseola and Angular leafspot disease development in varietal mixtures. International Journal of Pest Management Volume 63, 119-127.
  38. Mulumba, J.W.; Nankya, R.; Kiwuka, C.; Adokorach, J.; Otieno, G.; Kyomugisha, M.; Fadda, C.; Jarvis, D.I. (2015) Uganda: The Kiziba community gene bank. In: Community seed banks: origins, evolution and prospects. Vernooy, R. (et al.) (eds.) Routledge p. 165-171 ISBN: 978-0-415-70806-0

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