PGRC | Research
The centre pursues scientific and other appropriate research programmes individually or in collaboration with other national, regional and international institutions. Research areas include; seed behaviour, genetic diversity and erosion, population structures of selected species, developing appropriate methods/ approaches for managing germplasm in-situ and ex-situ, genetic base broadening (making more desirable genes available in germplasm for breeding) as well germplasm adaptation studies for new promising crops.
Use of plant diversity to control pests and diseases.
Tremendous actions that support the adoption of genetic diversity rich methods for limiting the damage caused by pests and diseases have been undertaken, through the conservation and use of crop genetic diversity to control Pests and Diseases. This also aims at conservation of Crop genetic diversity in-situ and enables farmers and others to use local crop genetic diversity to manage and reduce Pests and Disease pressure and enhance sustainable agricultural production while addressing the challenges of food security.
Wild Rice Conservation

Participatory Evaluation of Germplasm